Alan Franks
Environmental Consultant
Alan established Hollow Log Homes in 1999 and since that time more than 46,000 Hollow Log Homes have been built and installed. Though his passion for environmental education, Alan runs nest box building workshops and undertakes consultations for the applications of nest boxes in both urban and natural areas.
Stacey Franks
Environmental Researcher
Stacey has a passionate interest in conservation, taking a holistic approach to habitat rehabilitation and environmental education. Stacey has over 20 years industry experience and is the co-founder of Hollow Log Homes. Her roles include; research into materials and products used during manufacture, collation of data collected at audits, environmental consultation.
Wes Mannion
Director and Passionate Wildlife Advocate
Wes has over 30 years of experience working with wildlife and conservation. His passion for wildlife and the protection of habitat has been a lifelong journey which started from the young age of 14. He continues his love of wildlife by directing operations at Hollow Log Homes and striving to protect our native hollow-dependent species.
Dominique Franks
Communications and Director
Dominique has a keen eye for detail and is passionate about customer service. Dominique grew up learning about hollow-dependant fauna from her mother and father, Stacey and Alan, and continues their great work within the business.
Anthony Wentworth
Operations Manager
AJ has worked with Hollow Log Homes since 2015. He is passionate about his staff and producing quality nesting boxes. AJ is a key part of our management team and oversees duties such as setting training standards, overseeing nest box production and quality control, as well as the everyday runnings.
He enjoys meeting with new clients and being out in the field as well as having an organised production line and meeting clients deadlines.